Despite providing creative people with a facility to showcase their work, I believe that blogging - along with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and every other social media tool - is responsible for making us all narcissists! I have inadvertently admitted to being a narcissist, which is fine. I see the latter as a sort of disclaimer; hopefully it will discourage anyone who is the least bit self-righteous to stop reading and for the empathetic soul to admit that they are too just a victim of society with a Facebook account, using snazzy filters on what they've just had for dinner and updating their status with some tragically sycophantic commentary during an episode of Masterchef or their trip #Barcelona.
I just want to blog about art.......not only because I'm a sycophantic narcissist but because I like the idea of documenting what it is that grabs me and because I have a terrible habit of forgetting what I've learnt. To get the ball rolling I'd like to post this picture of 'Etude pour Amorpha' by FrantiĊĦek Kupka because if this conveniently came on the market and I conveniently had limitless amounts of money I would HAVE IT!! I saw 'Etude pour Amorpha' at the Pompidou centre in Paris a fortnight ago. Kupka's resistance towards being type-cast by an art movement was communicated well by the Pompidou. The curator had purposefully hung Kupka's work in a seperate room, which symbolically flanked the main hall that displayed iconic examples of the movements Cubism and Abstractism. By doing this, Pompidou was pretty much acknowledging that Kupka is exempt from any specific movement but his work is an important representation of the bridge between cubism and abstractism....well done Pompidou!!
I just want to blog about art.......not only because I'm a sycophantic narcissist but because I like the idea of documenting what it is that grabs me and because I have a terrible habit of forgetting what I've learnt. To get the ball rolling I'd like to post this picture of 'Etude pour Amorpha' by FrantiĊĦek Kupka because if this conveniently came on the market and I conveniently had limitless amounts of money I would HAVE IT!! I saw 'Etude pour Amorpha' at the Pompidou centre in Paris a fortnight ago. Kupka's resistance towards being type-cast by an art movement was communicated well by the Pompidou. The curator had purposefully hung Kupka's work in a seperate room, which symbolically flanked the main hall that displayed iconic examples of the movements Cubism and Abstractism. By doing this, Pompidou was pretty much acknowledging that Kupka is exempt from any specific movement but his work is an important representation of the bridge between cubism and abstractism....well done Pompidou!!
I like Kupka's work because I like colour. Kupka studied colour theory, which has personally always appealed to me. His use and attitude towards colour influenced people like Robert Delaunay, whom I also love. Kupka believed in freeing colours from association, which believe it or not is a very subtle form of anti-establishmentarism (can't pronounce it but I can write it!) I've since discovered that Kupka felt that there was a strong relationship between music and painting, which makes me love him even more! Jenny Soep are you reading this?
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